

Vendor IQ

A street food consultancy, helping vendors, market operators and suppliers to improve efficiencies and increase profitability via customer-led data.


We work closely with street food vendors and food market operators to help them drive efficiencies and profitability by enabling them to truly put their customers’ requirements at the centre of all key business decisions.

Enabling our clients to achieve this truly customer-centric approach is achieved by the use of VendorIQ’s unique and market leading suite of customer-led solutions:

  • Video-based stand audits – Visuals & Branding, POS, Food, Staff, Equipment, and Social Media.
  • Customer journey maps – Understanding the ‘why’ behind who stops, approaches, and buys, as well as analysing the ‘what’ happens after the customer has paid.
  • YouTube/Google SEO’d video – bespoke videos showcasing vendors’ food and brand identities that are fully SEO’d for the targeted keywords.
  • Monthly feedback data maps – bespoke and constantly evolving monthly feedback from the UK’s most passionate street food consumer network.