The Best YouTube Food Channels


From Mark Wiens and Tavakkul to the cooking of Chef Jean-Pierre and Stephen Cusato, these are the very best YouTube food channels you need to be watching.

Watching food-related channels on YouTube has become mainstream, with many people now preferring to watch their favourite YouTube channels over the content they used to watch on terrestrial TV or paid streaming platforms. YouTubers generally upload fresh content every week, the choice is endless, it’s free, you can interact with the creator and the community, and you can rate the content too – so much more fun than the old cooking shows on TV! 

At Contentico we’re YouTube food geeks, we love working out what makes some food-related YouTube channels that much better than the rest – we call it their ‘secret sauce’! Whether you’re into street food, catch-and-cook, cook-to-camera recipe tutorials, food vlogs, BBQ, hunting and fishing outdoor cooking, or videos about food producers…we’ll have found and detailed the best channels out there just for you. As we’re such food nerds, we also write a short story about each creator and their channel for you to read before you watch. Enjoy!

Oh, and if Street Food is a real passion of yours, then do please check out our Street Food YouTube channel HERE

The Best YouTube Food Channels


From Mark Wiens and Tavakkul to the cooking of Chef Jean-Pierre and Stephen Cusato, these are the very best YouTube food channels you need to be watching.

Watching food-related channels on YouTube has become mainstream, with many people now preferring to watch their favourite YouTube channels over the content they used to watch on terrestrial TV or paid streaming platforms. YouTubers generally upload fresh content every week, the choice is endless, it’s free, you can interact with the creator and the community, and you can rate the content too – so much more fun than the old cooking shows on TV!

At Contentico we’re YouTube food geeks, we love working out what makes some food-related YouTube channels that much better than the rest – we call it their ‘secret sauce’! Whether you’re into street food, catch-and-cook, cook-to-camera recipe tutorials, food vlogs, BBQ, hunting and fishing outdoor cooking, or videos about food producers…we’ll have found and detailed the best channels out there just for you. As we’re such food nerds, we also write a short story about each creator and their channel for you to read before you watch. Enjoy!

Oh, and if Street Food is a real passion of yours, then do please check out:

> Our Street Food YouTube channel HERE

> Our London Street Food Tour HERE


1 September 2023

Context – Stephen Cusato – YouTube – Not Another Cooking Show

1 August 2023

Food Provenance 7.0 – Robert Arrington – YouTube – Deer Meat for Dinner

1 July 2023

Knowledgeable Passion – Thomas and Sheena – YouTube – Chasing a Plate – Food Channels

1 May 2023

The Recipe Hunt Adventure – Chef Jean-Pierre – YouTube Channels For Foodies

3 March 2023

Cadence – Taku Kondo – YouTube Channels For Foodies

1 February 2023

Positively Passionate Polymath – Alex Aïnouz – YouTube Channels For Foodies

1 January 2023

Martijn Doolaard – YouTube – If Vincent van Gogh had been a YouTuber

14 November 2022

Best New Foodie YouTube – YouTube Channels For Foodies

12 September 2022

Food Content That Speaks – Tavakkul – YouTube Channels For Foodies

23 August 2022

When Four Perfect Ingredients Combine – Mark Wiens – YouTube Channels For Foodies